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Natural Connections

Nov 25, 2021

Kris Millgate is an award-winning outdoor journalist who recently completed a “doozy of a road trip” following Chinook salmon from the ocean to Idaho and back. She’s also my friend. This week, I share a little bit of what I know about her adventures, plus the connections between salmon, dams, and Wisconsin....

Nov 18, 2021

Have you been seeing swarms of delicate, mosquito-like insects around your house? Happily, instead of being a terrible species of cold hardy bloodsuckers, these are fungus gnats. Fungus gnats are tiny flies whose larvae eat mushrooms. They often appear abundantly in the fall. If you can catch one without crushing it too...

Nov 11, 2021

Does November make you feel gray? Naturalist Emily Stone makes a point of getting outside even on chilly mornings in order to notice changes in the woods and get a better night’s sleep. Autumn leaves change in color and shape while keeping their beauty. Animal tracks are pressed into soft mud. And her trail camera...

Nov 11, 2021

Does November make you feel gray? Naturalist Emily Stone makes a point of getting outside even on chilly mornings in order to notice changes in the woods and get a better night’s sleep. Autumn leaves change in color and shape while keeping their beauty. Animal tracks are pressed into soft mud. And her trail camera...

Nov 4, 2021

Did any little bees buzz up to your porch last weekend on Halloween, looking for a sugary snack? How did you treat them? Did you smile and coo at their costumes? Wiggle your gnarled hands at them menacingly? Or did you pounce from the shadows, grab them with your strong front legs, and use your sharp beak to inject...